Subcontractor Application

Thank you for your interest
in DDB Contracting!

DDB is regularly searching for licensed and qualified subcontractors to partner with on Nationwide construction projects that often require Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Millwork, and beyond.

These subcontractor relationships are an essential resource in providing the best possible pricing, knowledge, and service to our clients and their businesses.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our bidder’s list, and to be updated on new and upcoming projects, please fill out the following form and a representative of our company will reach out shortly.

    Subcontrator Qualification Statement

    I. Firm Information

    A. type of firm

    B. If your organization is a corporation, please list all stockholders and officers. If your organization is a partnership, please list all general partners



    Percent Ownership

    C. Certifications:

    Certified By:

    II. References:

    A. Bank references

    B. Bonding

    C. Trade Reference




    Phone Number

    III. Experience:

    A. Please attach a list of 3 major projects that your organization has completed in the last 3 years including the name of project, location, contract amount, date awarded, date completed, owner/general contractors name and address, contact and phone number

    B. Please attach a list of the current projects that your organization is performing including all information listed above.

    IV. Claims and Suits:

    A. Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it?

    B. Are there any judgements, claims, arbitration proceedings, or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers?

    C. Has your organization filed any lawsuits or requested arbitration with regards to construction contracts within the last five years?

    D. Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of an organization when it failed to complete a construction project?

    E. If the answer is yes to any of the above, please attach details.

    VI. Certification: